The school districts will lose $500 in funding per student which will result in more layoffs while the universities have had their budgets for the Texas grant scholarships cut by the equivalent of 30,000 students statewide.
Sen. Lucio states that "The budget is essentially fake because of the way it is funded." His example is the state government's "effort" to reduce spending on Medicaid. The state's leadership underestimated how much money the program would cost over the next two years. They were off by more than $4 billion dollars! Additionally, the budget defers payments to schools from this biennium to the next which means that when the legislature reconvenes in 2013, lawmakers will have a multi-billion dollar IOU to take care of before they can begin to write the 2014-15 budget.
Sen. Lucio continues to say that Texas' state budget should be based on sound financial principles, caring for the vulnerable and investing in our future. He states that the combination of gimmicks and cuts means that the current budget is more trick than treat.
I have to agree with Sen. Lucio argument. The state has cut more than $6 billion in education which does not seem like a sound financial investment. The leadership in Texas government should be focused on the people they serve which is all of us. We all want better public education and cutting funds from this sector is unacceptable. The budget cuts from education has forced many layoffs which does nothing but hurt the situation more. Texas government should invest in the future of their citizens and the first step in doing so is providing children of a quality education. I also agreed with Sen. Lucio's comment in which he stated that the best thing we could do now is to vote. That is the only way we can start to make a change. It isn't going to be a quick and easy change but we have to start somewhere. Voting, even though I have not voted ever in my life, seems like the only move we can make to start changing the current situation.